Water Quality Characteristics of Artificial Streams in Shihwa Industrial Complex |
사회공단 인공하천의 수질오염 특성 연구 |
문희천1, 김요용2, 서인숙3, 김종성2, 김균희2, 황선민2, 송진호2, 김태화2 |
1경기도보건환경연구원북부지원 2경기도보건환경연구원 3경기도 보건환경연구원 |
Abstract |
Water pollution level of artificial streams, Okgu, Gunja, Jeongwang, 4Ganseon and Siheong, in Shihwa industrial complex was investigated in order to provide the scientific data for water quality management of the streams. COD concentration from Okgu midstream with median value of 62.5 mg/L was the highest level of all sampling sites. At all artificial streams, Ni, Zn, Cu and Cr concentrations from midstream and downstream of industrial region were relatively higher than those of upstream of residential region. The high content of Cr6+ with median value of 0.293 mg/L was determined at 4Ganseon midstream. It was revealed that pollution of artificial streams was caused by intermittent and impulsive discharge of untreated or inadequately treated effluent through the storm sewer from industrial factories. Thus it is necessary to link and treat the stream water into sewage treatment plant. As an effective implementation to manage and improve the water quality of artificial streams, we suggest to pump the treated effluent from near sewage treatment plant into upstream of each artificial stream and irrigate it via artificial streams for waterfront revitalization of Shihwa Industrial Complex |
Key Words:
Shihwa industrial complex, Artificial streams, Pollutants, COD, Metals |